7 Fun Ways to Make Family Time Special Every Week

7 Fun Ways to Make Family Time Special Every Week
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In an increasingly busy world, family time is at a premium. Unfortunately, making time to engage with your soul family in creative, enlightening ways each week can be a struggle. Putting family time ahead of everything else helps to reinforce your relationships as well as form more long-lasting memories. In this blog, let us talk about 7 great ways through which a family can make its family time to be special all the week and each day spent together is most fruitful yet more fun.

How to Turn Family Time Into Essential Emotions Each Week

From easy filler activities to fun outings these ideas should give you something extra special to do with your family. Here is how to turn that into an unforgettable week filled with activities for the family.

How to Turn Family Time Into Essential Emotions Each Week

Plan a Family Game Night

One of the family bonding activities is a weekly game night. It allows everyone to gather in one area, as well as encouraging some friendly competition and laughter. Whether you are into board games, card games, video game there is something for everyone to love.

Make one academic night an official game night. This gives everyone something to look forward and helps make family time a consistent part of your schedule. You can change in between different kinds of games each time to keep things intriguing. You could play a strategic game such as Settlers of Catan one week, followed by a classic card game like Uno the next. If I want to keep it a casual evening, make some extra effort by setting the mood through snacks, music and possibly even wear matching game theme costumes. It will turn an average night into a memorable family tradition.

In addition to having loads of fun and excitement, family game nights encourage teamwork, critical thinking, and communication. In addition, it is also a good way to prevent you from spending too much time in front of screens and see more people face-to-face.

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Cook a Meal Together

Cooking with family is one of those things you do, where everyone gets to touch and feel everything. You not only see the results in a delicious meal but also a memory, skills learned, and fun had in between.

Make this a weekly thing and have everyone take on different roles based on their age and ability. Smaller children can help to mix or measure the ingredients, while high schoolers and adults take on more complex tasks such as chopping vegetables or seasoning preparations. Create a Family Menu of Something From EachDay of the Week allowing every1 to pick their favorites.

Transform this into a cultural activity by taking the following week to cook meals from other countries. Every week you prepare a different genre of meal, like Italian ( pasta ) or Japanese ( sushi ). Your family will get full of healthy flavors they are not used to tasting plus, you all will learn a little about the cuisines and cultures of other countries. Such a gastronomic treat can be an enthralling way to have family time__________________________________________________________________.

Family members working well together to accomplish a shared goal, practicing teamwork and ingenuity as they prepare a complete meal. And, you will get to taste the yummy fruits of your labor when the time to eat comes!

Family Walk or Bike Ride

Family Walk or Bike Ride

Being active as a family is so important for physical and mental health! Here are some simple and fun ways for spending family time weekly. one nice idea is take a family walk or go on a bike ride. Whether it is your immediate neighborhood, a nearby park, or an adventurous trail being one with nature together can create unifications within the family that will last forever.

Schedule a weekend walk/ bike ride that works for your family. You can change the field each time to keep things interesting. A really good activity is to go out for a walk every now and then, maybe explore the parks, take a stroll at a beach or botanical garden. And of course, be sure to pack your camera because you never know when you might snap a picturesque moment or sight some one-of-a-kind wildlife while out exploring.

You can even turn these walks (or bike rides) into some casual conversation, where people talk about their day, what they said or did during the day, share thoughts on a movie or book or just express some goals and dreams. A time for relaxing/enjoying each other’s company without the stress of daily life.

Aside from the family memories been created weekly, this event has also helped create healthier lifestyles and a love of the outdoors in children. Whether you do it as a walk or a bike ride, this is a great way to create an ongoing family tradition and stay connected.

Movie Night with a Twist

Movie nights is a timeless way to bond, but spicing it up can help make memories too. Theme Movie Nights are an enjoyable weekly twist to family time. Choose the genre of the movie or series and make a whole event around it.

An example would be a costume night for All of the kids where they can dress up like their favorite super hero and all snacks are themed based on that superhero theme. Another idea is a “decade night,” where you watch movies from the 80s or 90s and rock retro apparel. Or — something a little more lighthearted– you can also try an animation night, or even a foreign film night (are we ever making time for learning about new cultures in our free time?

If you spice things up is a lot of fun, and even better when each family member gets to choose the movie each week. Scatter some gruesome snacks and drinks to coincide with the film; get a big bowl of popcorn for that true movie theatre ambience, or have tacos for your Mexican movie night.

It’s these little things that can turn a mundane movie night into something worth looking forward to week after week for the whole family. Evenings for watching a movie are not only chilling together but they also provide you one thing in common that you can talk about and it keeps you comfortable with each other.

Do A DIY or Craft

Doing some fun DIY projects or crafts can be a fantastic way to spend time with the family. This fun, weekly ritual not only keeps your creativity flowing but simply allows everyone to create together and make something that is displayed or part of your home.

Pick a new project every week Keep it seasonal, holiday themed or based on your personal preference. Such as making handmade Halloween decorations or Thanksgiving centerpieces in the fall. Play big and make ornaments or wreaths with them to decorate the house together this winter holiday. Projects such as painting canvases, building birdhouses, or making your own picture frames are just some of the things that you can work on throughout the year.

Crafts involve the whole family to be creative, and help in patience skills, concentration skills & how its teamwork. You can also search for ideas to redecorate your house or any basic DIY project that will keep you busier.

Rewriting one sentence each week detailing familial effort & success in working together can help provide a sense of completion upon the finalization of a creation. Even better, you will end up with some tangible tokens of the memories created with them.

Start a Family Book Club

For families who love to read, a family book club can really make your special time together each week just that much more interesting. It facilitates the process of the intellectual growth that occurs in children when they read together, It also stimulates meaningful dialogues and discussion about literature.

Pick a book that is appropriate for everyone (even young kids) to listen to. With younger children, you might choose more tied-up-in-a-bow chapter books and with teens, a meatier title. Make a specific day each week when all of you write and ponder about the things that you have read. You can also assign selected chapters or sections to read in preparation for each session.

At your weekly book club, ask family members what they thought of the book, favorite part or thoughts on the story. However, you can also do some fun stuff like reenacting scenes in the book or drawing/painting characters from it; even visit a place (if possible) that is more likely to be part of our setting.

Reading together not only encourages a love of books, improves literacy and makes space for conversations about stories and characters who reflect different perspectives on life. Not to mention, it serves as a fun and educational way to get in quality time together every week.

Family Volunteerism

Family Volunteerism

It is a really nice way to volunteer together, and give back as a family. This weekly routine not only teaches children the importance of kindness, giving and empathy but also gives everyone involved a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Find a weekly volunteer activity that fits your family’s time and interests. Ideas could include volunteering at your local animal shelter, going out to help clean the community, spending time with elders at a nearby nursing home, organizing charity drives for people who have less than you do…and many more. Recommendations: If you cannot volunteer in person, look for other opportunities to be of service, leaning into the growth aspect and being creative with writing letters to troops, knitting blankets for shelters, holding virtual activities or donation matches for them.

Not only does it help others, but volunteering as a family also helps establish and cultivate teamwork skills, problem-solving abilities together and know the joy of feeling they contributed to your community. It also gives you an opportunity to talk about major social matters and what your family can do to bring a positive change in the world.

Make volunteering a family activity: Volunteering brings families closer, boosts bonding and provides an opportunity to give back. If you ask me it is a wonderful lesson to pass down to your children — teaching them the importance of being kind, generous and creating shared memories that will last a lifetime.


Spending a good time with family every week is not that complex a deal. By using these fun 7 ways to make family time special every week, you not only bring your family closer but also create memories that will last a lifetime. How about spending time with their loved ones — be it over the stove, across a board game or at a sewing machine or serving in a charity together on weekends instead?

Consistenty is the Secret to Success Select activities enjoyed by everyone and make this a part of your family schedule instead. In doing so, not only will you want more of these times, but it can have your family feeling unified and growing stronger week by week.

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